Set up your virtual academy today


Everything you need to start teaching online


Try for Free
  • 5% transaction fee
  • Sell ebooks
    • • Unlimited ebooks
    • • Unlimited students per ebook
    • • Sales page for enrollments
  • Sell recorded courses
    • • Unlimited courses
    • • Unlimited students per course
    • • Sales page for enrolment
  • Accept payments online
  • Built-in chat room
  • Analytics & attendance tracking
  • Student dashboard


Turn your Klas academy into a successful business


Get Started
Everything in Free, including
  • 3% transaction fee
  • Host unlimited classes
    • • Host up to 100 students per class
    • • Instant recording & cloud storage
    • • Time limit is 2 hours
  • Custom branding
  • Integrated email marketing
  • 5 admin & instructor seats
  • Team reports & analytics


Take your Klas academy to the next level


Coming Soon
Everything in Pro, including
  • 0% transaction fee
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Live chat support
  • Public API access
  • Unlimited admin & instructor seats
  • Run multiple academies in one account
  • Custom domain

Frequently asked questions

Ready to start teaching?

Use Klas to create and manage your online academy

Sign up free